Monday, April 28, 2008

Motivation is Everything - Part 1

God's a smart God. He knew when He created us that in order to get us to do what he likes, he'd have to somehow involve our desires. Have you discovered by now that the fear of punishment is a pretty ineffective motivator to live holy? I bet if you've been saved for any length of time, you've said to the Lord at least once, "Lord, turn your head, you don't wanna see this. I'll be right back." Well, I know I have. I've done that fully aware of the consequences. And even though I was convicted afterwards, I knew how eager He'd be to forgive me. According to the bible, true holiness comes from another, unexpected source altogether. Romans 2: 4 says:

"Or do you despise the riches of His goodness, forbearance, and longsuffering, not knowing that the goodness of God leads you to repentance?" - NKJV

In other words, "Do you lightly esteem or take for granted God's abundant goodness? You do this because you don't understand its true power: it's the cure to your sin." God’s goodness comes first, then comes the repentance or change of heart leading to outward change. Phenomenal isn’t it?
1 John 4:19 says:

"We love him, because he first loved us." - KJV

In other words, we love God according to our knowledge and belief of his love for us. God loved the world so much that he gave his Son so we could experience an eternity of victory. But, not everyone loves Him back. Why is that? It's because they haven't "known and believed the love that God has toward them"(v. 14)

What is his love? What is his goodness, forbearance, and longsuffering? Is it just about being thankful for air in our lungs, or legs to walkon or a roof over our heads? And how do we make our belief in His goodness real enough to deal with our outward behavior? Well, that's why I created this blog, to explore these questions. I don't have a theological degree and don't pretend to have the corner on bible teaching. These are simply some things the Lord has shown me that have changed my life forever. I am in awestruck wonder of God's grace.

More soon. Comments are always welcome...


Megan said...

Wow! Trying to overcome sin can be such a whirlwind of dust that keeps going in circles! I am so glad to be reminded that His goodness leads us to change. It's all about His goodness or should I say greatness! God is so good I just can't seem to ever get enough. Thanks Erna for starting this blog, I can't wait for the future posts!!
Focused on His goodness,

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

As of Feb 10/10 it will be two years of learning and living the path of grace.
Even now as it unfolds, I keep learning more and understanding more.
I am an X mormon, Believe me, it is no simple feat to come this far.
Right now I am in the process of comminting my cares to JC, then in supplication asking him do what is needed, and then with thanksgiving in return.
Everything you wrote I believe is the true gospel of JC.

I have a question.
The Mormons have this saying, no man can enter heaven unless baptized. "literally" by their priesthood authority, I know that part is a wacky untruth.

Was baptizing a pre cross issue. Is it no longer needed

Unknown said...

I am putting your blog as a destination.


I also follow J Prince. I am thinking you do also

Anonymous said...

Hey Brian! Thanks for your comments. Yes, I do follow JP. His book was such a blessing to me.

Your testimony is awesome! An X-Mormon? Wow! Look at God. The truth resonates with every heart. Sometimes we have mindsets that say, "Oh it's impossible to reach the Muslims or the Mormons", but it's really not us reaching them. It's God doing it. He wants to gather his children to himself. Amen!

As for baptizing, I really don't know if it was just for people before JC. I was raised in church but was never baptized. Obviously, I'm doing OK without it. Also, the man on the cross next to JC went to heaven though he was never baptized. So, we know that it's not necessary for salvation/heaven. I'm not opposed to it and may even do it one day. But right now, I have no leading from the Lord to get that done.

******** said...

Amen! I look forward to more posts :-)